Friday, July 3, 2020

On my mind. July 3, 2020

On my mind. July 3, 2020

Cumming, GA.

Stacey Abrams, Barak Obama and Dave Chapelle.

I keep finding excellent podcasts to listen to while I am running and yesterday was no exception. I listened to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast interview with Stacey Abrams ( Stacey is the former Georgia House Minority Leader and the first African American female gubernatorial candidate from a major party ever. After hearing this, I am unquestionably hoping for the Biden-Abrams ticket. Four years of Joe followed by eight with Stacey would be a good start to undoing the damage trump’s incompetence and neglect have done.

The interview also includes an excerpt from Marc’s 2015 interview with President Barack Obama ( I remember listening to the interview when it was first released. It also made me long for the days a few short years back when we had a president who could string together thoughts and ideas into a coherent discussion.

I mentioned a Dave Chapelle clip on George Floyd a couple of weeks ago. I watched his “Age of Spin” Netflix special list night. I’ve never watched him a whole lot, but now I want to get my hands on everything he’s ever done. His mix of comedy and social commentary is pure brilliance. He has two Netflix specials on right now. In “Deep in the Hear of Texas: Live at Austin City Limits” he tells the story of a couple of guys throwing snowballs at him and his sister. In Ohio, throwing a snowball is a misdemeanor. But since they called him a n***** when they did it, it’s a felony assault. So it’s good we finally got a Hate Crimes Bill.